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    The Three Jesus(s) Archived Message

    Posted by joy on 12/17/2004, 6:25 am

    The Three Jesus(s) ©
    by Tommy Magus
    If you would like to post this article someplace on the internet, please post it in it's entirety, along with my name & e-mail. Thankyou.

    Over the decades, there has been so much debate about the identity of jesus.
    Ofcourse, this has spread through cyberspace, as fundamentalists collided with alternative christians, and sometimes teaming up together against pagans (the latter is quite amusing to watch)

    I have narrowed down the identity of the jesus equation, and put 'him' in 3 categories:

    1) The jesus of the bible.

    2) The jesus of the fundamentalist christians/The jesus of man-made doctrine.

    3) The jesus of alternative christians.

    I could of added a fourth category -that of the jesus of history -but that might spark a flame that will spread like wildfire (I will save it for a later date)

    Let's briefly examine each of the three...

    1)The jesus of the bible:

    In the new testament scripture, he is described more or less as a seditionist. He said he comes with a sword, to make division, to turn families against each other, and his message is for a select few chosen sheep. He sometimes displayed a lack of patience with his apostles. He showed violent tendencies, such as whipping people in the temple, and told his followers to arm themselves with swords. If he was alive today, he would be considered a terrorist.
    Sometimes he said things in parables, because it was safer to allude to things, rather than saying them outright. Nostrodamus wrote in code, for the same reason.
    Jesus spoke of attaining spirituality by working for it, constantly, giving 100%.

    All the above can be backed by scripture


    2)The jesus of the fundamentalist christians/The jesus of man-made doctrine:

    Here jesus is presented in a different light. Many of the teachings of the church come from the writings of Paul.
    No where in the bible is the sinner's prayer, asking jesus to come into one's heart. To 'fundies', jesus gives salvation to anyone who asks, instantly. They have, as major doctrines; the rapture, 7 year tribulation, the antichrist & a blinded support for Israel. These are doctrines that are man-made (many from jesuits and Scofield). Taking passages from Daniel, Ezekiel, Joel and then tying them to Revelations methodically, to say what one wants to 'endorse'. Satan, alone, comprises much of church doctrine...but a thorough investigation of satan will reveal that IHVH is satan. IHVH says he creates darkness and light, both good and evil. He 'alone' does it all. IHVH is the adversary to those who go against his words.
    But satan has made ALOT of money for the church, so when the shady group of 'church fathers' decided what the people should know, they kept the whole satan thread very strong. It's a shame that they removed the 'reincarnation' doctrine that was strong in many scripture writings, but ofcourse, reincarnation provides 'another chance' thus damaging the whole sacrifice, hell, damnation strategy -which also makes big money.
    The role of women in church theology is inferior, 'she' is almost 'his' property-if followed as the bible would make it seem. What most don't know is that the competing pagans held women as equals, and this was dangerous to those of scripture. What most don't know is that the Shekinah of Old testament and the Holy Ghost of New were both female.
    In Old testament, she was known also as Metrona, Levannah.
    The name of jesus, in Hebrew, was IHSHVH. The SH is female descending fire. The IHVH is ofcourse Yahweh.
    But slavery is encouraged in Old testament scripture, as is looting, arson, land stealing, murder (just don't kill another Israelite).
    Abortion is a touchy subject, but the bible doesn't show abortion as murder. The Book of Jasher, spoken of as canonical in an Old testament book, shows us that the Israelites had a natural herbal concoction that readily provided instant abortion. In Levitical law, if a woman miscarried because of her being hit by a male...the penalty was different than if it was considered murder. Only a fine was imposed.
    However, homosexuality definitely brought a death sentence.
    Televangelists love the tithing pasages from the old testament...but the 10% tithe was the tax to pay the Levitical priesthood, so they could survive, etc. Their governent was their church. Today, you pay more than 10% to your government. Big corporate churches hold no place in New testament scripture...as you will read. The teaching of jesus were held in semi-private rooms, mostly in households, with women segregated and silent.
    Then there were crusades and mass killings in "the name of god". Science was rejected as it was too close to satanic origin. Extraterrestrial life is mostly considered demonic. There is much more, but I think most can follow up through their own honest open-minded research.
    To catholics, Mary stayed a virgin, though she gave birth to other children. There are saints who are prayed to, a direct no-no according to scripture...we will see the catholic theology return under the alternative christians shortly, but...

    Recall the words of jesus..."I never knew you"....think about that one.


    3)The jesus of alternative christians:

    This category is composed mostly of christians who felt they were being lied to by the church. They did their own research, utilizing 'heretical books' such as the Apocrypha, Nag Hammadhi scrolls, Dead Sea Scrolls, Pseudopigrapha, many of these Gnostic sources. Many seek out the lost years of jesus, because the bible is silent on more than two & one half decades of jesus's life. As a child, he and his family fled to Egypt, a land of magick and mysticism. Moses, trained in Egypt, learned of Osiris, and studied much of the Egyptian pagan mysteries. Could jesus of done the same,,,learning magick and understanding the principles of healing?
    Ironically, many ancient churches keep the Isis/Horus statues, but name them baby jesus and Mary. A thorough search will show that there are scores of saviours, being born to a virign, etc.
    The whole crucifixion to a wooden cross can be traced to the shamanic 'world tree',,,where we see Odin, Buddha, Osiris and many others finding 'enlightenment' due to a 'tree'...
    Many in this category believe jesus was married, and they point to various theories. I believe that one good theory that I came up with, personally, proves jesus was married. Jesus was called 'rabbi'...back in his day, you had to be married to hold the Rabbi title. The role of jesus, when one researches,,, is seen in a new light. Jesus clearly, was establishing a new spirituality, not religion. If one ponders the Old Testament...they will find the Israelites were very different people before they went into captivity, and when they left their captivity. Below you will see a few examples of what I mean. The left column was what was prior to captivity, then the right column, what it was after captivity.

    The Law - The Talmud
    Priests - Rabbis
    Temple- Synagogue
    Judeans - Jews

    There is a wealth of information here, and those who seek truth,,,have a springboard now to launch into an open-minded search.

    Jesus said that the kingdom of god is within...why do so many seek him 'out there'...?

    In truth first,


    Link: http://www.tommy-healing.741.com/articles.html

    Message Thread:

    • The Three Jesus(s) - joy 12/17/2004, 6:25 am