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    latest eye-in-triangle movie thingy Archived Message

    Posted by dbd on 12/24/2004, 3:01 pm, in reply to "The Beast"

    The new movie about the Templars and all that, kinda like Indiana Jones stuff, has the eye in the pyramid on the movie poster, saw a trailer on the telly the other day.

    No doubt I'll probably wait for it to come out on DVD tho'. Unless the world suddenly goes back to normal and cinemas become an enjoyable thing.

    The Beast - is really the Sun. That's why it has a magic square that adds up to 666. It's in the film PI - Sol means Sun, and the 216 number is 6 x 6 x 6.

    If you're 3d located here then you absolutely must go 'thru' the Sun first with anything - the only way to connect with true reality is to recognise that our first stop is the local nearest star, which then links successively in with other stars in to the galactic centre, which then links with all the other galaxies. Via those blackholes that are their axis'.

    There are problems if you get any kind of beings in physical bodies here, but they are not recognising the actual star that keeps here in orbit, they upset the whole balance of everything because effectively they are calibrating themselves all wrong - they are like, the headbone's connected to the kneebone. Idiots. They made up all that stuff about the Beast being a wrong thing - cause of dodgy remote viewing type of stuff - who watches other people shagging and pretends it's about the fall of nations?! That's just plain stupid that is. And invasive, anyway -

    I could have like come all the way from another galaxy and even I know that you have to adhere to the creation pattern - anything here has to be cleared with the Sun first.

    Bunch of whinging losers complaining about having a boss.......he's been right all along thus far hasn't he?

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