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    lest ye think that hasn't been thought out in advance Archived Message

    Posted by dbd on 12/31/2004, 8:05 pm, in reply to "All the best to one and all ..."

    People pay other people to have sex with them ; they then use that to act as if they have lost their virginity for example.

    This leads to a society that reinforces that you have to lose it by a certain age, or you are a - whatever lies they attach onto that.

    So, all that happens is that children have sex, with people that could be disased, just because their scabby mates programmed them to think they had to f*ck someone to be real or be anything really.

    Anyway, I'm sure no-one here will care, since my post in which I pointed out the above in one word only has been removed.

    Unless you lose it right, you're just a non-virgin-virgin, paying doesn't count, or bribing or anything like that.

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