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    Re: but Archived Message

    Posted by Hagbard Celine on 1/1/2005, 1:38 pm, in reply to "but"

    Yes, Christian society is centuries ahead of Muslim society in that respect and Islamic fundamentalism needs to be replaced with a kinder and more tolerant form of religion. This has actually happened in some quarters; take the Sufies. All Muslims can learn so much from these strong, wise and intelligent people.

    There are signs that Iran is becoming freer. These days in Iran they have foreign art and education for women and even women's magazines! This was unthinkable in that country a few years ago.

    If I lived there I'd want to get rid of the ayatollahs and replace them with a Sufi way of life.

    A lot of Muslims also worship Jesus, not as the son of God but as a great prophet. They call him "Isa" and respect his wisdom as much as Christians do... and I do too.

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